A collection of modern games for the TI-99/4A

Assembly/c99/Forth Games

Escape North Korea

By Airshack

Escape North Korea opening screenEscape North Korea in-game shot

As a previous North Korean defector, you are being re-inserted inside the DMZ in North Korea to collect nine secret items of high value and bring them back across the DMZ to South Korea. Well, this is no walk in the park unfortunately, as you will have to avoid patrolling tanks, minefields, wasp swarms, radiation sickness and roaming guards to complete your objective all while trying to keep your leaky jeep fueled and your health preferably a little better than stone cold dead. A highly original game with a variety of challenges requiring path planning as well as reflexes to successfully complete. The graphics and sounds are very well done and the controls quite responsive. Extremely well executed and highly addictive.
Requirements:Editor Assembler cartridge or game cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: ENK-5 [EA Option 5]

Download Escape North Korea:
Disk Image
Cartridge binary

Space Quest [part 1]

By Sierra On-Line

TI 99/4A conversion by Martin Mangold

Space Quest opening screenSpace Quest in-game shot

Yes that's right, Space Quest on the TI! It's indeed an outstanding conversion of the classic Sierra On-Line 1987 title for MS-DOS written entirely in assembly, albeit covering only the Acadia ship part of the story. You are janitor on a space ship who just awoke from sleep in a closet, only to find out that the ship was boarded by intruders. You control the character with the arrow keys in a fully graphical interactive environment, and you can also give text commands for specific actions. What you do in the next few moves will determine your very survival, so tread carefully! The graphics and sound effects are very faithful to the original title, and the gameplay is super smooth. A truly amazing feat, and there is hope that the author will continue to develop the remaining parts of the game. An absolute must play!
Requirements: Editor/Assember cartridge, 32K RAM
Executable to run: SQIEXE (E/A Option 5)

Download Space Quest:
Zip file
NOTE: The zip file contains 3 large disk images which can run on real hardware only if you have DSDD disk drives, a hard disk, a RAM disk or a TIPI. Otherwise emulation is your best option.
Game Instructions

Jumpman JR

By Steve Mildon

Jumpman Jr opening screenJumpman Jr in-game shot

This is the original version of the game named Junkman JR from Databiotics with an extra level before it was modified to fit the cartridge requirements. It's a fantastic platformer with very smooth action, slick graphics and multiple levels of increasing difficulty. Collect all the items scattered around while avoiding the various deadly projectiles and obstacles while jumping across the wide gaps and climbing ladders and ropes. Classic addictive fun.
Requirements: Editor/Assember cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: ROM1 (E/A Option 5)

Download Jumpman JR:
Disk Image

Bounce 'N' Pounce

By PeteE

Bounce 'N' Pounce opening screenBounce 'N' Pounce in-game shot

In a very colorful and fast-paced remake of the classic arcade game Bump 'N' Jump, you are a very harried driver at the wheel of a speedy car trying to make it to your destination through dangerous traffic. Unfortunately, you have no qualms about bouncing other cars in your way to their ultimate doom while avoiding getting thrown yourself off-road. To complicate matters, all bridges across waterways have inexplicably disappeared, so you have to gather enough speed in order to be able to jump across the gaps lest you meet a watery grave. The traffic is interesting to say the least, with tanks and bomb throwing gang cars freely sharing the road with no cops anywhere in sight. Since this is probably all a dream, you might as well enjoy it, and I guarantee that you will! The action is relentless, with simple controls, great smooth animations and graphics, and an engaging sound track sucking you into a bottomless black hole of entertainment. Very hard to put down. Awesome game!
Requirements: Finalgrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: Autorun

Download Bounce 'N' Pounce:
Cartridge binary file
Cartridge may be purchased here

Tranquility Base

By Calgary 99ers User Group

Tranquility Base opening screenTranquility Base in-game shot

This game is by far the best version of Lunar Lander I have ever seen on the TI. The premise is the same time-honored one where you control a lunar module and attempt to land safely on a platform. The controls are simple, with E and S used for lateral rotation and P for thust. What distinguishes this version from the others is that it has several automatic zoom levels, starting with an overall view of the surface with all the possible landing zones blinking in white, and as you decend, the zoom level and detail increases. The gameplay is highly responsive and the motion physics seem right, but unfortunately the fuel and velocity information is not available except at the lowest zoom level, making landings more of a feel thing. Nonetheless, it remains supremely entertaining with impressive graphics and good sound effects. My favorite in this genre.
Requirements: XB cartridge or Finalgrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Tranquility Base:
Disk Image
Cartridge binary file

MoonBase Alpha 2019

By David J. Smith

MoonBase Alpha opening screenMoonBase Alpha in-game shot

While this game's inspiration clearly lies in Space Invaders, the final product is however a much more engaging and challenging concept where you are the lone defender of an isolated moonbase under relentless attack from space aliens. Your arsenal consists of a laser, a powerful cannon and a limited supply of missiles, but in an original twist you also have repair droids which can repair damage to the shield to prevent the attackers from reaching the base and destroying it. Without these droids, the game will be over very quickly since your laser base cannot move across shield gaps and if it falls through then it's game over. The gameplay is frenetic, enhanced by great graphics and sound effects. However, you have no less than 8 different keyboard keys to contend with which can take a while to get used to, but fortunately you can re-assign the key bindings to your liking which helps a lot. The one issue I noted was that there was a noticeable lag with some of the keys, particularly the movement and laser firing ones, which could lead to some frustration, but one quickly learns to compensate. Overall a truly fun and engaging game. Very well done indeed!
Requirements: XB cartridge or Finalgrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive (for XB)
Executable to run: XB autoload

Download MoonBase Alpha:
Disk Image
Cartridge binary file


By Sometimes

Blockbuster opening screenBlockbuster in-game shot

Yet another easy to pick up but supremely addictive game by Sometimes. The premise is based on stacking 3 or 4 same-colored tiles in a rapidely extending stack, with the twist being that you will be dealing with two, not one stack! There is a time limit which gets progressively shorter with each level, so quick thinking will be a must here. Beautifully rendered in vibrant colors and silky smooth animations accompanied by excellent sound effects. Love it!
Requirements: Finalgrom 99 or Editor/Assembler cartridge.
Executable to run: BLOCK (E/A Option 5)

Download Blockbuster:
Cartridge binary file
Disk Image
Blockbuster instructions

Bouncy's Obstacle Course

By Rasmus Moustgaard

Bouncy's Obstacle Course opening screenBouncy's Obstacle Course in-game shot

Here's another gem of a game by the talented and prolific Rasmus, picking up on a previous concept of his (Bouncy) and expanding it into a horizontal scroller. You control a, ahh..., bouncy ball which you can make jump, slow down and accelerate as you attempt to maneuver the progressively more challenging trap laden obstacle courses ahead of you, utilizing a combination of reflexes and planning in a wonderfully animated and colorful environment with an enticing background sound track. It starts off pretty easy but ramps up quickly, so you will die often and hard, but you will keep coming back for just one more try because the gameplay is incredibly addictive. This is a game you have got to try.
Requirements: Finalgrom 99 or Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Bouncy's Obstacle Course:
Cartridge binary file
Disk Image


By Bleepbit

Pengo opening screenPengo in-game shot

In a tribute to the 1982 Sega arcade title of the same name, this recreation gets pretty close to the original. You are a red penguin in the arctic trying to get rid of the pesky blob-like Sno-Bees by pushing blocks onto them and crushing them before they manage to catch up with you. Easier said than done given that the Sno-Bees are slowly destroying the blocks to get to you, so you have to strategically position yourself and lure them behind a block while keeping an eye on the other Sno-Bees sneaking up on you. There are also 3 diamond blocks which, if you manage to line them up, will give you a large bonus. The action is pretty frenetic and the speed at which the Sno-Bees move increases with each level. The graphics are meticulously done and the music is very faithful to the original. A really fun and engaging game. Well done! Programmed in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: PENGO

Download Pengo:
Disk Image


By Retrospect

Kblitz opening screenKblitz in-game shot

Planes bombing cities, burning builgings, Kong climbing skyscrapers and trying to grab your plane, basically total mayhem... What's not to like in this game? The premise is very simple: bomb every building in the city to the ground as you fly overhead lest your gradually descending plane runs into one of them, avoid Kong or better yet drop a bomb on him to put him in his place, and that's all there is to it! Clean simple fun, and all you need is a joystick button. Programmed in compile Extended Basic.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: KBLITZ

Download Kblitz:
Disk Image


By Bleepbit

Tron opening screenTron in-game shot

This is a very smooth take on the classic Tron lightcycle battle game. In essense, maneuver your lightcycle to trap the computer opponent into its own trail until it hits it and dies. The graphics are crisp and the keyboard controls very responsive, but it is a difficult game to master because the screen real estate is fairly small. Excellent sound effects. Enjoyable. Programmed in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: TRON

Download Tron:
Disk Image


By Nanochess

Borzork opening screenBorzork in-game shot

Here's an excellent port of the timeless game form 1980, Berzerk. You suddenly wake up in a labyrinth filled with murderous robots intent on destroying you, and the only way to survive, at least for a while, is to dodge their fire and try to shoot them yourself using your laser gun then escape to the next room via one of the many exits available. But be careful to avoid exploding robots and the deadly electrified walls! Also loitering is strongly discouraged lest the Evil Otto appears disguised as a happy face who will relentlessly chase you through walls and cannot be killed... You have been warned. Yes, it is a nightmare, but hey you might as well have fun with it! Very faithful graphics and sound effects, along with taunting speech if you happen to have the speech synthesizer connected. I very much enjoyed it. Programmed in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: Finalgrom 99, 32K RAM. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: None

Download Borzork:
Cartridge binary file


TI 99/4A Conversion by Rasmus Moustgaard

Pyjamarama opening screenPyjamarama in-game shot

Good old Wally of Spectrum fame is stuck in a nightmare he is stuggling mightily to wake up from. As is common in such unfortunate situations, things don't quite make sense at first as you roam the different rooms in your house populated by a variety of seemingly random and oversized objects, and you have to figure out how to collect them and use them in a certain order in order to snap back to reality. Welcome to Wally's world... An excellent and very faithful remake of the original game that is emminently playable. An outstanding feat of programming.
Requirements: Finalgrom 99 or Editor/Assembler cartridge
Executable to run: PYJA1 (EA Option 5)

Download Pyjamarama:
Cartridge binary file
Disk Image


TI 99/4A Conversion by PeteE

Turmoil opening screenTurmoil in-game shot

This is an excellent recreation of the classic game of the same name orginally for the Atari 2600 console. A fast paced shooter where you run up and down the lanes shooting waves of various aliens coming at you from both directions. Best to just hold the fire button down and blast away! Extremely frenetic gameplay enhanced by excellent sound effects and authentic visuals. Nirvana for the joystick jockeys, but those with sluggish reflexes need not apply... Very well done!
Requirements: Finalgrom 99 or Editor/Assembler cartridge
Executable to run: TURMOIL (EA Option 5)

Download Turmoil:
Cartridge binary file
Disk Image

Restless II

By Sometimes99er

Restless II opening screenRestless II in-game shot

A strangely addictive and visually pleasing game, Restless II is a simple shoot-the-aliens affair in the spirit of Space Invaders, except that the monsters bounce all over the screen and their numbers increase incrementally as you level up. The graphics are top notch and play is smooth as glass. The perfect pick-me-up game for a quick bout of fun. And if you manage to kill all 64 aliens, quite a feat I would say, then you get a trophy to boot!
Requirements: Finalgrom 99 cartridge
Executable to run: Autorun

Download Restless II:
Cartridge binary file
Restless II instructions

Jewel of Seven Stars

By Retrospect

Jewel of Seven Stars opening screenJewel of Seven Stars in-game shotJewel of Seven Stars advertisement

This game is a continuation of the adventures of John Banning, the intrepid tomb raider as he delves deeper into the pyramids in search of the fabled Jewel of Seven Stars. Blinded by greed, you have to guide him through 17 chambers, several bonus rooms and a final chamber collecting treasure while facing hoards of mummies chasing you around. You can try to burn a few of them using the torch found in each chamber, but that will only delay the inevitable: they are undead creatures afterall! And if that was not enough, you will also have to jump over chasms and serpents connecting some of the chambers, just to add variety to your death throes. Make sure to send my regards to Anubis... Colorful and varied screens with supporting sound effects and smooth gameplay make for an addictive game. Written in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: XB cartridge or EA cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks
Executable to run: JEWELX (XB) or JEWEL5 (EA option 5)

Download Jewel of Seven Stars:
Disk Image
Jewel of Seven Stars instructions

Red Planet

By Retrospect

Red Planet opening screenRed Planet in-game shotRed Planet advertisement

Red Planet is a quick game somewhat of a mix between Lunar Rescue and Tombstone City, where you have been dispatched to Mars to rescue the scientists scattered across the many sectors of the planet from the alien monsters invading our solar system. With each rescue attempt, you will have to go through the asteroid belt, land, and then track down the scientists hiding behind the rocks and rubble while shooting down a variety of evolutionarily improbable creatures in your way that would make any respectable exobiologist drool. Easier said than done as I've accidentally mowed down more than my fair share of fear-ridden PhD's... Oh the humanity!!! Excellent sharp and colorful graphics as is usual from Retrospect. And fun to boot! Written in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: XB cartridge, EA cartridge or Finalgrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive (for XB or EA), joysticks
Executable to run: REDPLANET (XB) or PLANETA5 (EA option 5)

Download Red Planet:
Disk Image
Cartridge binary file
Red Planet instructions

The Mummy's Tomb

By Retrospect

The Mummy's Tomb opening screenThe Mummy's Tomb in-game shotThe Mummy's Tomb advertisement

Launching with an ominous soundtrack, this fast-paced game has you as a tomb raider looking for treasures in a trap and mummy infested Egyptian pyramid with many levels. Not only do you have to avoid the slowly converging mummies, snakes and scorpions, but you also need to avoid the invisible but deadly traps strewn randomly across the level as well as face off with snakes at the end of each level. There are a few torches which will briefly light up your way and uncover the traps, and occasionally you will run across a much needed extra life, but make no mistake: death will eventually find you and your greedy little soul will be condemned to roam the dark musty chambers of the tomb for all eternity. You have been warned... Excellent animation and crisp graphics. Really fun easy to pick up game. Written in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: XB cartridge or Finalgrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive (for XB), joysticks
Executable to run: MUMMYTOMB

Download The Mummy's Tomb:
Disk Image
Cartridge binary file

Break Free

By David Vella

Break Free opening screenBreak Free in-game shot

This version of the classic Breakout game has the rare distinction of being programmed entirely in GPL, an intermediary language somewhere between Basic and assembly language unique to the TI 99/4A computer. While the goal is still to hit as many tiles as possible using a paddle and a ball, there are very interesting twists as well, such as hidden keys which need to be found before being able to move on to the next level, several different powerups which strategic use is essential to scoring high, as well as original level designs such as moving monsters and shifting tiles. The graphics are superb and the game presentation is meticulous, combined with a great introductory sound track. While the difficulty level is graduated, it's still a tough game to play, perhaps contributed to by occasionally spotty collision detection and a little lag in paddle movements. Nonetheless, it remains a highly addictive game with huge fun and re-playability potential. Very nicely done indeed!
Requirements: Finalgrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: Autorun

Download Break Free:
Cartridge binary file
Cartridge may be purchased here

Flying Shark

TI 99/4A Conversion by Rasmus Moustgaard

Flying Shark opening screenFlying Shark in-game shot

In yet another remake masterpiece, Rasmus takes on the 1987 game Flying Shark by Taito and somehow manages to recreate it in glorious colors and unrelenting frenetic action on the TI 99/4A computer. You are fighter pilot deep into enemy territory and your mission is to destroy as many opposing forces as possible, be it planes, tanks or ships, using your machine guns and a limited supply of massive bombs. There are available power ups along the way if you can get to them which will enhance your fire power and give you extra lives, something you will very quickly sorely need. The animations are silky smooth while the graphics, sound track and overall feel are very representative of the original game, making for a supremely immersive and addictive experience. It is however quite challenging beyond the first level so expect to exercise your joystick quite a bit!
Requirements: Finalgrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: Autorun

Download Flying Shark:
Cartridge binary file

Night Stalker

TI 99/4A Conversion by LASooner

Night Stalker opening screenNight Stalker in-game shot

This game is a remake of the classic Night Stalker on the Intellivision platform. The premise here is to shoot down nasty robots that come in five different varieties while avoiding being hindered by bats and spiders in the setting of a fixed maze. You have limited ammunition which forces you to look for additional guns after every 6th shot, and those appear at random locations and can be very difficult to get at. When you are armed, you can be aggressive and attempt to ambush the robots, but when you are unarmed, then the game becomes more akin to PacMan. The graphics and sounds are very faithful to the original, although the gameplay is somewhat slower. It starts in a sedate manner, but things get interesting rather quickly where path planning and quick reflexes become essential. Extremely well done! Created in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: Finalgrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: Autorun

Download Night Stalker:
Cartridge binary file
Disk image


By Francesco Ugga

TI-Rex opening screenTI-Rex in-game shot

Those of you with Chrome based computing devices should be very familiar with this one. It's a very good remake of the popular offline Chrome game Dinorunner, where you, as a cute T-Rex dinosaur, have to run the longest distance possible while jumping over obstacles like cacti and pterodactyls. Extremely simple gameplay using just the spacebar to jump, but also surprisingly entertaining. The graphics are clean, the animations are smooth and I'm really partial to that crisp and bright monochrome look. Nicely done. Created in Extended Basic with the XB256 extensions.
Requirements: Editor/assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: TIREX-A (E/A Option 5)

Download TI-Rex:
Disk Image

Lunar Mission

By Retrospect

Lunar Mission opening screenLunar Mission in-game shot

In an extremely well crafted take on the lunar rescue theme, this game has you piloting a landing module down to a planetary body to rescue stranded colonists. This mission is further complicated by the fact that each planet or moon is ringed by roaming asteroids which have to be manoeuvred around in order to avoid disaster. You have a limited amount of fuel to complete each mission, and should you succeed, then you are moved to another planet with an increasing level of difficulty and a new mission. It seems that the solar system is choke full of inept colonists in constant need of rescue. Weird... You even get a bonus shooting stage at the end of each level vaguely reminiscent of Galaxian. A super addictive game that will keep you coming back for more time and time again. Created in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: LUNAR-M

Download Lunar Mission:
Disk Image


By Keith Bergman

Demolish opening screenDemolish in-game shot

This is an interesting variant of the tile games in that you only have to clear a number of columns equal to your level in order to advance to the next level. You do so by selecting adjacent groups of same colored tiles and demolish them by setting explosive charges. Any tiles above them will move down. You get points for each tile demolished, and every 100 points you get the option to flip a couple of tiles and take them out. You only have about a minute to complete the level which I have found to be extremely challenging, and as a matter of fact I have yet to be able to clear level 1! Very clever concept. Created in compiled TI Basic.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: DEMOLXB

Download Demolish:
Disk Image

Castle Conquer II

By Retrospect

Castle Conquer II opening screenCastle Conquer II in-game shot

A follow up to the original Castle Conquer, this sequel ups the ante with even better graphics and animations, as you face a variety of monsters and obstacles in your quest to save the princess. The gameplay is smooth and the controls intuitive, which makes for a really fun experience. It is however quite challenging and your timing has to be perfect along with quick reflexes. Created in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: CONQUERII

Download Castle Conquer II:
Disk Image

Turn It Down

By Sometimes99er

Turn It Down opening screenTurn It Down in-game shot

This game is another variant of the popular tile game concept, where you have to click on tile groups of the same color to remove them, resulting in the tiles on top cascading down. The goal is to clear the board entirely, and while this is fairly easy at the first level with only 2 color tiles, each level adds an additional color resulting in rapidly increasing difficulty. You really cannot just click willy nilly at tile groups, but rather you have to try to have a long term objective of maximizing color groupings. Colorful and extremely addictive.
Requirements: Finalgrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: Autorun

Download Turn It Down:
Cartridge binary file


By Rasmus Moustgaard

Skyway opening screenSkyway in-game shot

In a similar vein to Bouncy by the same author, this isometric vertical scroller has you maneuvering a ball around gaping holes or jumping over them trying to capture as many colorful tiles as possible in increasing levels of difficulty. Some tiles are worth points and others have different effects such as slowing or speeding you down. Very smooth meticulously rendered graphics and an engaging soundtrack by Tursi really round up this excellent game. How far can you go?
Requirements: Finalgrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: Autorun

Download Skyway:
Cartridge binary file

Sparkdrummer's Challenge Rescue At AtariAge

By Airshack

Sparkdrummer's Challenge Rescue At AtariAge opening screenSparkdrummer's Challenge Rescue At AtariAge in-game shot

A very interesting take on the classic lander game indeed. Your mission is to retrieve enough of Sparkdrummer's mojo in order for him to continue his excellent work on AtarAge. In order to do so, you have to navigate several gravitational mazes, avoid being walled in by Sparkdrammer's nemesis and execute perfect mojo drops. The graphics and animations are very well made, and the controls are very easy. However, the game is very challenging and requires quick reflexes even on the lowest of the 3 levels. Includes 5 levels for each difficulty setting, so you are in for a lot of action. You have been warned!
Requirements: Finalgrom 99 cartridge, 32K RAM, joysticks
Executable to run: Autorun

Download Sparkdrummer's Challenge Rescue At AtariAge:
Cartridge binary file
Sparkdrummer's Challenge Rescue At AtariAge manual

Knight Lore

Conversion by Rasmus Moustgaard

Knight Lore opening screenKnight Lore in-game shot

This game is a direct line by line conversion of the classic Spectrum title, making it an extremely faithful conversion visually indistinguishable from the original. The player character Sabreman has forty days to collect objects throughout a castle and brew a cure to his werewolf curse. Each castle room is rendered in isometric view, and you have to navigate it by avoiding obstacles and monsters, moving objects, climbing walls and collecting items. Even though the game speed slows down when the screen gets crowded, overall gameplay is not significantly affected and remains totally enjoyable. The first title of its kind on the TI. Highly recommended!
Requirements: 32K RAM, Finalgrom 99 cartridge. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: Autorun

Download Knight Lore:
Cartridge Binary Image

Eric in Monsterland

By Retrospect

Eric in Monsterland opening screenEric in Monsterland in-game shot

In the same vein as Castle Conquer by the same author, this beautiful platformer has you running around in a forested landscape creeping with a variety of monsters and obstacles in your quest to save the princess. The controls are very simple using a joystick, and the gameplay is meticulously crafted to keep you on your toes throughout the entire game. Each screen will require a specific strategy in order to get through, and you are rewarded with extra points for speed of completion by beating a flying witch overhead. The graphics are gorgeous and the animations spot on. An absolute pleasure to play. Well done! Created in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks
Executable to run: MONSTER

Download Eric in Monsterland:
Disk Image
Eric in Monsterland instructions
Cartridge may be purchased here

Grail Of The Gods

By Majestyx

Grail Of The Gods opening screenGrail Of The Gods in-game shot

This Rogue-like dungeon crawler faithfully captures the look and feel of this venerable class of computer adventure games. The display is purely text based like the original and the gameplay is very simple. Move around with the arrow keys and press the space bar for action. But don't let that control simplicity fool you, as you can get easily sucked in trying to get as deep as possible into the dungeons, killing monsters, collecting gold, and gaining experience and strength along the way. The map reveals itself as you move, so you really never know what's behind a corner, particularly at the deeper levels. The monsters get deadlier as you delve further down, so you will have to learn to pick your battles. A really fun well made game, easy to pick up but hard to put down. Created in compiled Extended Basic.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive
Executable to run: GOTGXL-X

Download Grail Of The Gods:
Disk Image
Cartridge may be purchased here

An enhanced graphics version was created by TMOP including 2 quests, namely Dungeon of Doom and Fires of Hell, can be found here:

Grail of the Gods Enhanced Edition
>Zip file - XB autoload
>Zip file - Cartridge

Super Mario Brothers

Remake Demo by Rasmus Moustgaard

Super Mario Brothers opening screenSuper Mario Brothers in-game shot

This game needs no introduction, and the demo by Rasmus is a very faithful reproduction of the original, limited however to the first level and underground cavern. Needless to say that the graphics are top notch and the gameplay smooth as glass, and one would not know this was running on a TI 99/4A computer. It does however require the F18A video replacement board to run, which is becoming very ubiquitous. A masterful tour de force not to be missed.
Requirements:32K RAM, Editor/Assembler cartridge, joysticks - (disk version) ** F18A required **
Executable to run: MARIO1 (E/A option #5)

Download Super Mario Brothers:
Disk Image
Cartridge may be purchased here
YouTube demo

Castle Conquer

By Retrospect

Castle Conquer opening screenCastle Conquer in-game shot

Run around, dodge monsters and other hazards, hitch a ride on a dragon, and rescue the princess. That about sums up this compiled Extended Basic game. The graphics and animations are outstanding given XB's limitations, and the game is very challenging to say the least. The control scheme was a little fiddly given that all the needed keys were crowded together and it was easy to press the wrong key in the heat of the moment. Nonetheless, it's a simple game to play with gobs of fun to be had. And there is a more involved sequel in the works as well... Really great execution.
Requirements:Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive
Executable to run: CASTLEEA5 (E/A option #5)

Download Castle Conquer:
Disk Image


By Sometimes99er

Squary opening screenSquary in-game shot

A very simple game where you are chasing around a square with a joystick controlled cursor as fast as you can in order to score the highest number of points. Every time you catch a square and press the fire button, another one pops up at another screen location, and with time the squares keep shrinking in size. The game ends when you click outside of a square. That's it! An attractive feature is the fact the speed of the cursor increases gradually in the direction of the joystick and there is an element of inertia applied as well so you can't just stop on a dime. The game is very colorful, although I would have preferred a better contrast between the squares and the background. And it is that simplicity that makes it so addictive and easy to pick up since the instructions could be summed up with 5 words: click on square for points.
Executable to run: None. Cartridge based game.

Download Squary:
Cart Image --> Cartridge may be purchased here

Snake Plissken

By Sometimes99er

Snake Plissken opening screenSnake Plissken in-game shot

The origin of this game dates back to 1976 with the arcade game Blockade, which has since generated hundreds of clones on almost every classic computing platform. This version is fast and super responsive, along with being colorful and well designed. Maneuver the snake to eat the apples and other fruits for points while avoiding its gradually elongating tail as well as the walls. That's it! It gets progressively harder with each level, but the addictive power remains constant. Very difficult to put down, so you have been warned...
Requirements:32K RAM (for the disk version), Editor/Assembler cartridge, joysticks
Executable to run: SNAKE (E/A option #5)

Download Snake Plissken:
Disk Image
Cart Image --> Cartridge may be purchased here
YouTube demo

Jet Pac

TI 99/4A conversion by Walid Maalouli

Jet Pac opening screenJet Pac in-game shot

This is a pretty close conversion of the classic ZX Spectrum game Jet Pac by Ultimate, programmed in TurboForth. The 'Acme Interstellar Transport Company' is delivering spaceship kits to various planets in the solar system throughout the Galaxy, and as chief test pilot, all you have to do is assemble the Rockets, and thrust on to your next destination. As you don't often get the chance of a free trip across the Galaxy, this is a great opportunity to get rich! Stop off on several planets on your journey, collect the odd sack of precious gems, elements or gold, and take them back with you. But before you make yourself the richest person in the whole Universe, remember to refuel your Spaceship - with 6 fuel pods - every time you land on a planet. Any other goodies you collect are yours to keep. Upon landing, you will find yourself equipped with the very latest Hydrovac Jet Pac, which can automatically air lift almost any rocket stage, fuel pod or valuables that you care to land upon, and release them over the rocket ship base. Don't forget your mega-powerful, Quad Photon Laser Phasers can blast any nasty, mean aliens who might object to your visit. Warning: twitchy reflexes are a must!
Requirements:TurboForth cart version 1.2.2, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: TurboForth AUTORUN

Download Jet Pac:
Disk Image
Cart Image --> Cartridge may be purchased here
YouTube demo


By Rasmus Moustgaard

Bouncy opening screenBouncy in-game shot

Inspired by the Commodore 64 game Bounder, this game exquisitely leverages the color capabilities of the TI 99/4A computer to create a vibrant game with a superb soundtrack. The main gameplay has you guiding a bouncing ball through a scrolling terrain full of hazards and potential powerups while trying to collect rings for points. The action is a mix of pathfinding as well quick timing, particularly since the upcoming terrain is only revealed gradually as you progress. Hugely addictive game with a masterful execution. Very highly recommended.
Requirements:Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTORUN

Download Bouncy:
Disk Image


By Sometimes99er

Minesweeper opening screenMinesweeper in-game shot

While quite a familiar game, this version is the best I have seen to date for the TI 99/4A computer. Use your deductive skills with the help of numeric clues to locate and mark the hidden bombs on the grid. There are 3 different levels with increasing grid size. Beautiful presentation with uncluttered animation. An instant classic.
Requirements:Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: MINE (E/A OPTION #3)

Download Minesweeper:
Disk Image --> Cartridge may be purchased here
Minesweeper instructions


By Sometimes99er

Nonogram opening screenNonogram in-game shot

This is a picture logic puzzle where cells in a grid must be colored or left blank according to numeric clues on the sides of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. Simple and clear presentation, but absorbing gameplay. It's gets pretty tough beyond level 5, but you are always tempted to try one more level. Very well done.
Requirements:Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: NONO (E/A OPTION #3)

Download Nonogram:
Disk Image --> Cartridge may be purchased here
Nonogram instructions


By Unknown author

Dragon opening screenDragon in-game shot

With definite inspiration from Scramble, you control a dragon obsessed with burning down hot air ballons. An odd fixation if you as me... You can shoot fireballs or lay down explosive eggs, whichever does the job at any one time. You have limited ammunition however, unless you go through the cylinders that pop up intermittently. Interestingly, this game was programmed using the multi-color screen mode which makes it rather blocky, although overall the feel is quite nice. Scrolling is smooth and the controls very responsive. Not bad at all.
Requirements:Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks.
Executable to run: DRAGON (E/A OPTION #3)

Download Dragon:
Disk Image


By Oliver Arnold

Risk opening screenRisk in-game shot

This gem of a game brings the classic board wargame which as been a staple of many a childhood to life on the TI 99/4A computer screen. In a nutshell, gather your armies and conquer you enemies in a mix of strategy and luck. This is a full featured version for up to 6 players but without a computer opponent. All actions and inputs are done using two joysticks so as not to have the players crowd the keyboard. The computer manages the dice, computes the battle outcomes and moves the armies around. The world map is very nicely rendered and clear, making it a snap to quickly overview the state of the game for all the players. Very nicely done indeed, and as engrossing as the original. The documentation file is included in the disk image.
Requirements:Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks.
Executable to run: RISK (E/A OPTION #5)

Download Risk:
Disk Image

Jet Set Willy

By Rasmus Moustgaard

Jet Set Willy opening screenJet Set Willy in-game shot

This game is a remake of the Classic Jet Set Willy by Matthew Smith for the Sinclair Spectrum computer. A tired Miner Willy has to tidy up all the items left around his house after a huge party. With this done his housekeeper Maria will allow him access to his bedroom. Willy's mansion was bought with the wealth obtained from his adventures in Manic Miner but much of it remains unexplored and it appears to be full of strange creatures, possibly a result of the previous (missing) owner's experiments. Willy must explore the enormous mansion and its grounds (including a beach and a yacht) to fully tidy up the house so he can get some much-needed sleep. This remake is very faithful to the original game in almost every respect, and manages to reproduce the intended look and feel of this classic title. It does require nearly pixel perfect reflexes, so it will take a while to get through it. Absolutely brilliant!
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Jet Set Willy:
Disk Image --> Cartridge may be purchased here

Sabre Wulf

By Rasmus Moustgaard

Sabre Wulf opening screenSabre Wulf in-game shot

In this excellent remake of the original Sinclair Spectrum game by Tim and Chris Stamper, you take on the role of Sabreman trying to recover the four pieces of a lost amulet scattered around a deadly jungle. Navigate your way while avoiding all manners of nasty creatures and plants, using your sabre as needed to clear the way. Very colorful fast paced game where quick reflexes are a must. Simply superb! NOTE: The disk image is considered a demo. The full game is available in cartridge format only.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Sabre Wulf:
[Cartridge format] --> Cartridge may be purchased here
[v9t9 .DSK format]
Sabre Wulf instructions


By Alexander Hulpke

Tetris opening screenTetris in-game shot

While certainly not an original breakthrough game, this version however is the best I have seen by far for the TI. Smooth animation, colorful graphics, nice music and a full set of features set it apart from other versions. A timeless classic.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.br />Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Tetris:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format]

Flappy Bird

By Rasmus Moustgaard

Flappy Bird opening screenFlappy Bird in-game shot

I suppose the title says it all, unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years... Press the space bar to flap the bird's wings and keep it aloft as it tries to fly through a series of obstacles. Beautifully executed version for the TI, but I found it incredibly hard to play and the repetitive music drove me nuts. Addictive to some, mind numbing to others: that's up to you.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.br />Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Flappy Bird:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format] --> Cartridge may be purchased here

Road Hunter

By Rasmus Moustgaard

Road Hunter opening screenRoad Hunter in-game shot

Heavily inspired by the 80's arcade game Spy Hunter, this game puts you in the driving seat of a car on an endless road as you try to avoid other cars and collect enough fuel to get past each increasingly difficult stage. If you are able to pick up the occasional gun lying on the street, then you will have the pleasure of shooting your way clear in a very satisfying manner. You can also bump the other cars off the road if you are careful enough. Brilliant gameplay and great soundtrack. An absolute blast to play! Yet another masterpiece from Rasmus.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Road Hunter:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format] --> Cartridge may be purchased here
Road Hunter manual

Bouncing Babies

Original Game By Dave Baskin

TI 99/4A Remake by John Chase

Bouncing Babies opening screenBouncing Babies in-game shot

Bouncing Babies seems to be vaguely reminiscent of Circus Atari, but with a twisted theme where you have to save babies from a building fire by catching them as they fall down from the top floor appartment. No pressure! You have to deal with multiple waves of falling babies coming down in rapid succession while you move the trampoline back and forth in an attempt to catch them and bounce them into the waiting ambulance. Great graphics, but a very difficult game to master beyond the first wave. What will you tell those poor mothers???
Requirements: Extended Basic, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: BABIES

Download Bouncing Babies:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format]


By Rasmus Moustgaard

Titanium opening screenTitanium in-game shot

Titanium is heavily inspired from the Commodore 64 game Uridium, as you race from one platform to another destroying structures and ships while assiduously avoiding obstacles and defending ships. Gameplay is frenetic but smooth with impressive animations and great introductory as well as background music. Furthermore, the game will take advantage of the F18A VGA board if available on your system for ever more enhanced graphics. The difficulty ramps up pretty rapidely, so you'd better have good reflexes. And given that this is the author's first TI 99/4A assembly game, it is all the more incredible! Georgous game!
Requirements: Extended Basic, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks and F18A optional.
Executable to run: XB autoload

Download Titanium:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format] --> Cartridge may be purchased here

TI Scramble

By Rasmus Moustgaard

TI Scramble opening screenTI Scramble in-game shot

You probably recall the arcade game Scramble from Konami first introduced in 1981 to critical acclaim, so here's a treat for you: a pretty faithful port for the TI 99/4A computer which will take you back a few decades in time. Your mission is to guide your ship through scrolling terrain, destroying everything in sight using lasers and bombs, while capturing enough fuel to keep you flying, until you finally reach your base then start over again with increased difficulty. Each stage is greeted with speech. Sound effects and animations are superb, and the game will also take advantage of the F18A VGA board for even more faihtful graphics to the original arcade game. Yet another tour de force from this author. I cannot recommend this game enough.
Requirements: Extended Basic, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks, speech synthesizer and F18A optional.
Executable to run: XB autoload

Download TI Scramble:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format] --> Cartridge may be purchased here
TI Scramble instructions

Mr. Chin

By HAL Laboratory

TI 99/4A conversion by Mike Brent

Mr. Chin opening screenMr. Chin in-game shot

This game is yet another conversion of a timeless classic, Mr. Chin originally produced for the ColecoVision game console. The premise here is simple but original: you seem to fancy balancing plates on poles, and there is a jealous person determined to make you fail by thowing deadly objects at you. Very addictive, with multiple levels to help ease you into the game and clean graphics and sound effects. It seems to strike a nice balance between strategy and pure reflexive play, and I found it quite fun! Note: A collector's edition of this game including a box, manual and disk will soon be available for purchase here.
Requirements:Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: MRCHIN (EA option #5)

Download Mr. Chin:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format]
Mr. Chin instructions

Mad Marvin's Great Escape

By Marc Hull

Mad Marvin's Great Escape opening screenMad Marvin's Great Escape in-game shot

In a super twist on the classic Lunar Lander game, you are trapped in your saucer inside giant caverns, and the only way out is to open the door of each one by landing on each of the platforms in order. You battle gravity by applying thrusters and land by deploying your landing gear. This is a monstrously addictive game that will task your reflexes and sense of timing to the maximum. The version presented here is a demo, and you can purchase the full version here.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: MARVIN1 (EA option #5)

Download Mad Marvin's Great Escape:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format]

TI Runner

By EB Software

TI Runner opening screenTI Runner in-game shot

You are a highly-trained commando who has been captured and imprisoned deep in the catacombs of the evil Kryon Empire. Will you be able to mount a successful escape and still get away with the Kryon booty? While superficially it seems to mimic your usual platformer, the gameplay has very interesting features such as the ability to create holes in the ground to trap your pursuers and walk over them, among other things. Advancing much further than the first level will require skill and strategy, and you will soon find yourself glued to your screen and uttering unrestrained profanities. Excellent animations. In other words, try it out!
Requirements:Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: TIRUNNER (EA option #3)

Download TI Runner:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format]
TI Runner instructions


By Unknown Author

Galaxia opening screenGalaxia in-game shot

I'm not quite sure what to make of that game. It has vague roots in Galaxian and Lunar Lander, and essentially consists of 2 stages: In stage one you have to shoot 43 flying saucers before moving on to the next stage which consists of a gravity field and a landing pad, with moving obstructions blocking your way which you have to shoot. You start the game with a set amount of energy, and you lose some of that every time you are hit or you use your thrusters. You can partially replenish your energy stores by landing on the pad, but eventually you will run out. Therefore, your task is to try to survive as long as possible. Overall it's a good game with an interesting premise, but somehow feels a bit unpolished. Definitely worth a try however.
Requirements: Extended Basic, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Galaxia:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format]


By Mark Wills

Darkstar opening screenDarkstar in-game shot

This is the first full game developed using Mark Wills' Turbo Forth version 1.2, and it clearly demonstrates the capabilities of this programming language. It is based on an earlier game for the Jupiter Ace computer. In Darkstar, your starship's engines have been damaged and are leaking radiation, and you need to collect energy cells scattered throughout the ship using remote controlled robots. The robots unfortunetely do not stop until they hit an obstacle, therefore making your retrieval job that much more difficult. And to make matters worse, the robots have a limited lifespan due to incremental radiation damage. So no pressure... The game includes speech and is quite enjoyable and very challenging.
Requirements: Turbo Forth version 1.2 cartrige, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: See instruction file below

Download Darkstar:
[Darkstar zip file]
[Turbo Forth 1.2 zip file]
Darkstar loading instructions

Scud Busters

By Bruce Harrison

Scud Busters opening screenScud Busters in-game shot

The US troops positioned in Saudi Arabia are being targeted by Saddam Husein's SCUD missiles, and they have to try to bring down as many of these missiles as possible using Patriot missile batteries. The general concept of this game is somewhat similar to Barrage or Mission Command, except that there is only one missile at a time coming at you and you have an unlimited amount of Patriot missiles. Fast paced action requiring good hand-eye coordination, but can get a bit repetitive after a while. You can spiff things up a bit however by competing against another player.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartrige, 32K RAM, disk drive, Joysticks.
Executable to run: SCUDBUSTER (E/A option #5)

Download Scud Busters:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format


By Giovanni Giuffrida

Nibbler opening screenNibbler in-game shot

This game gives a whole new meaning to "chasing your own tail". You are a hungry snake in a maze looking for food pellets to eat. The problem is that, as many of us have unfortunately found out, the more you eat, the bigger you get, or in this case the longer you get, and if you are not careful you could end up eating your own tail and hence chocking to death. The animation is wickedly fast, and you need excellent reflexes to maneuver around the obstacles, get to the pellets and avoid running into your tail. Simple concept, very well done. Another winner.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartrige, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional
Executable to run: NIBBLE1 (E/A option #5)

Download Nibbler:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format

Perfect Push

By Golden Games

Perfect Push opening screenPerfect Push in-game shot

Perfect Push is a devilishly difficult puzzle game where you are marooned underground on a planet in an isolated system and the only way to get home is to assemble your rocket, the APELLO 946, correctly under the only opening to the planet surface and blast off. The problem here is that the rocket parts are strewn all over this very rocky planet, and the only way to get to them is to move or blast the rocks out of the way. And if that was not already difficult enough, when you push a rock, it will continue moving until it hits an obstacle, and the same thing happens with your rocket parts. Really strange gravity at work here... Oh and one more thing, there are also nasty aliens roaming the underground as well, but luckily you can trap them behind rocks and prevent them from using you as a nice protein snack. Beautiful execution, but highly challenging as I have not been able as of yet to get past the first level!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartrige, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: PUSH1 (E/A option #5)

Download Perfect Push:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format

Midnite Mason

By Software Specialties

Midnite Mason opening screenMidnite Mason in-game shot

Haunted houses are no fun to start with, but they are downright terrifying when you are a mason contracted to work in one. And to further compound your troubles, all your tools have been scattered all over the house, so in order to get done with your work as expeditiously as possible, you will need to collect them one by one. The trouble is that there are nasty ghosts roaming the place who would love nothing more but to steal your soul. In other words, avoid them at all cost! This is a classic platformer with smooth animation and crisp graphics that is highly entertaining, albeit rather difficult to beat. A classic.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartrige, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: MASON (E/A option #5)

Download Midnite Mason:
[TIFILES format]
[v9t9 .DSK format
Midnite Mason Manual

Who's Behind The Mexican UFO's

By Chris Bodenmiller

Who's behind the Mexican UFO's opening screenWho's behing the Mexican UFO's in-game shot

UFO's have been appearing all over the world, including... wait for it... Mexico, and you are assigned the task of looking into that unusual situation. You will travel to many cities and make decisions on how to proceed. While well done graphically, this adventure seemed way too short and easy to solve, albeit entertaining. Comes on 2 disks.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartrige, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB autoload

Download Who's Behind The Mexican UFO's:
[DISK 1 - TIFILES format]
[DISK 2 - TIFILES format]
[DISK 1 - V9T9 .DSK Format]
[DISK 2 - V9T9 .DSK Format]

Space Agressor

By Brian Lemoff

Space Agressor opening screenSpace Agressor in-game shot

In this game, you are the space invader trying to overwhelm the planetary defenses of the system you are attacking. Avoid incoming missiles and mines as long as you can, while attempting to destroy the mobile artillery pods. Brilliant graphics and frenetic gameplay. Those with slow reflexes need not apply...
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: AGGR [E/A option #5]

Download Space Agressor:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Master Mind

By Unknown Author

Master Mind opening screenMaster Mind in-game shot

This time-honored game needs no introduction, and this computer version is the absolute best one I have seen so far. You get to choose the game difficulty, i.e the number of different colors in each code, and you get 10 tries at guessing the code using the clues given to you by the computer. A timeless treasure that is guaranteed to hone your deductive skills. Note: while the game is in French, there is a small english introduction that will give you the needed translation. {If you happen to know the name of author, please let me know so I can post the appropriate credit].
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Master Mind:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Column Attack

By Chris Bobbitt

Column Attack opening screenColumn Attack in-game shot

The nasty Flugalins have decided to invade the Earth with their battleships, which leave colorful trails as they come down from the sky before they start their bombardment. You have the unpleasant task of stopping this unprovoked attack using the only available planetary defense laser gun. There you have it, so good luck! Note: the level of difficulty increases from 10 to 0.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Column Attack:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Rush Hour

By Lucien Baumann

Rush Hour opening screenRush Hour in-game shot

This is a computer version of the classic sliding blocks puzzle, and a very well done one at that. Your goal is to get the green block through the opening on the right by first clearing the way in front of it. This is unfortunately not as simple as it seems, but I'm sure you'll figure it out...eventually. Clean and colorful implementation that is a joy to play. Very well done.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: RUSH_HR [E/A option #5]

Download Rush Hour:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]



Original game by Larry Kaplan

Kaboom opening screenKaboom in-game shot

Who amongst you does not remember the fabled Kaboom game on the Atari VCS? In this wonderful and very faithful implementation for the TI, a mischievous thug is throwing bombs off of a tall wall, and you have to catch and destroy them before they hit the ground. You lose a paddle each time you miss, so try to be accurate, will you? As much fun as the original and a great throw back to old times. Note: This game was programmed using the My Little Compiler by Guillaume Tello which you can learn more about here
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Kaboom:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Starbase Raiders

By Joe Delekto

Starbase raiders opening screenStarbase Raiders in-game shot

Alert! Your long term enemies from the Cryogena-4 star system have launched a massive assault on all the starbases in the Galaxy, and as the best galactic pilot and strategist around, you are assigned to halt the tidal wave of aliens using your trusty Explorer class defense ship. You are armed with deadly twin photon cannons, and are assisted by an onboard computer as well as strong shield. You also have the capability to hyperwarp to a random location if it gets too hairy. You start at the galactic map screen which shows you your starbases as well as enemy ships in your sector. Pick the quadrant of your choice with priority to defending your starbases, and press Fire. From there you will be thrown into a 3D space combat environment which you cannot exit from until you completely destroy all the alien ships. Be careful! You shields can only take so much damage before failing, and you can only repair them at starbases, but only for a limited number of times per level. Commands you need to know: E: Engines C: Computer sights G: External gravity F: Auto firing S: Shields M: Galactic map A: Enemy tracking W: Hyperwarp. Once you clear a sector completely, you will move on to the next level with more enemies to destroy. Play is frenetic and captivating, altough it does get somewhat repetitive. Overall an excellent game a la Star Trek.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: RAIDER (E/A option 5)

Download Starbase Raiders:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Rock Runner

By Eric LaFortune

Rock Runner opening screenRock Runner in-game shot

In this game, you assume control of a character tunneling around in search of diamonds while avoiding mines, falling rocks, walls, acid pools and roaming monsters. Sounds familiar? Yes, Dig Dug definitely comes to mind here. You need to make sure that you collect all the diamonds in the playing field before running out of time in order to proceed to the next level, otherwise you lose one of your initial 5 lives. You can also lay down bombs to help you get past difficult obstacles or kill the monsters. Written in half-bitmap mode, this game is very colorful and responsive to input, but can be brutal to beat within the allotted time. Nicely executed.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: ROCK (E/A Option 5)

Download Rock Runner:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Manuel Constantinidis

Diablo opening screenDiablo in-game shot

From an originality standpoint, this game stands out prominently. You control a ball rolling down a complex overlapping track layed out over 16x16 pixel tiles. A tile is cleared once the ball runs down all the tracks on this particular tile, and your objective is to clear as many tiles as possible before the ball falls off the edge of the game field. Interestingly however, the tiles are not fixed in place, but rather can be switched with their immediate neighbours by simply moving the cursor. This allows you to modify the shape of the tracks and hence the direction the ball takes. It's a beautiful and incredibly addictive game that is guaranteed to suck up a lot of your time. Very highly recommended!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Diablo:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Gravity Master

By CSI Design Group

Gravity Master opening screenGravity Master in-game shot

While playing a game is fun, designing then playing a game has got to be at least double the fun! And this is exactly what you get to do in this unusual piece of software where you get to design challenging platformer games with multiple screens populated by roving killer robots and a variety of other pitfalls. The learning curve is pretty minimal, and the challenge is really in testing the deviousness of your imagination at creating a tough yet playable and enjoyable game. The only issue I have with it is that the finished games cannot be played as stand-alones, which is a shame... Nonetheless, it has quickly become one of my favorites.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Gravity Master:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
Gravity Master Manual (PDF)


By Atari

Centipede opening screenCentipede in-game shot

A very nice rendition of the classic Atari game where you have to shoot down a centipede inexorably moving toward you while avoiding pesky and deadly spiders. The centipede has the bad habit of breaking up into several independently moving bits which tend to complicate your life a bit. Timeless.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: EA option 5: CENT

Download Centipede:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Major Tom

By Unknown Author

Major Tom opening screenMajor Tom in-game shot

This is a beautifully executed space romp where you have to defuse the reactor of a planetary base before it blows up. Problem is that there are many deadly obstacles to overcome as you roam the twisted labyrinthine corridors of the station as well as making sure you replenish your oxygen supply as you go along. The graphics are superb and the low gravity environment is very well rendered, although I found the difficulty level to be quite steep... Very intertaining!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: EA option 3: File Name=MAJOR-TOM Program Name=LOTS

Download Major Tom:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format] NOTE: Runs only with the Classic 99 emulator

Water Works

By David Bishop

Water Works opening screenWater Works in-game shot

In this game, anybody can become a plumber, although the quality of the work will depend heavily on strategic thinking... Your objective is to build a pipe line from the feed pipe to the outlet on all 99 floors and the basement of a building under construction. The higher the starting floor, the more difficult it is to finish. You begin with a budget of $200 which you can use to purchase equpment and pipes, and it is up to you to use it wisely in order to keep your operating margins healthy. Very original concept. Manual included.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Water Works:
[TIFILES format] (NOTE: Name disk "WATERWORKS")
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Spell Breaker

By Dave Lebling

Spell Breaker opening screenSpell Breaker in-game shot

This is the third installment in the Infocom Enchanter series. In a world founded on magic, magic itself seems to be failing! Spells fail to work or go strangely awry, leading to the formation of the Guildmasters conclave. As the leader of the Circle of Enchanters, you are chosen to restore magic to its full radiant glory. The very fabric of this enchanted universe lies in your hands... The commands here are those of the standard Infocom interpreter, with the CAST and LEARN commands added for spells. Also, you may write newly found spells into your spellbook by using the GNUSTO command. Good luck!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Spell Breaker:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By J. Peter Hoddie

Asteroids opening screenAsteroids in-game shot

Very nicely executed remake of the classic Asteroids game, enhanced by colorful animated obstacles. Classic fun.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Asteroids:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By David Crane
TI 99/4A Remake By Retroclouds

Pitfall opening screenPitfall in-game shot

This is an unbelievably faithful recreation of the classic Pitfall game for the Atari 2600 console that represents a tour de force of masterful assembly programming. It is as much a joy to play as a trip down memory lane, with all 255 screens filled with treasures and frequently deadly obstacles. Very well done indeed!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler or XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD or #PITFALL (EA option 5)

Download Pitfall:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
Pitfall Manual (PDF)

Terminal Toads

By Gregory Groszek

Terminal Toads opening screenTerminal Toads in-game shot

Alert! Four apparently indestructible mutant toads have taken control of a top secret research facility and need to stopped at all cost. You need to go in with your tank and destroy energy disks that feed the toads. Shooting at the toads only stuns them for a while, and if they catch up with you, you are toast... How's that for a twisted scenario? The good news is that it is actually a very fun and brisk game in the vein of PacMan, although definitely not as cheerful.
Requirements: Editor/XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Terminal Toads:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Marc Hull

Never-Lander opening screenNever-Lander in-game shot

Unveiled at the 2008 Chicago TI Faire, this game takes an original twist on the classic lunar lander theme, where you try to maneuver your lander through unpassable asteroid fields using your thrusters to slow your descent and avoid collisions. Unfortunately, fuel is in scarce supply, although you can try to nab fuel canisters floating in space if you can get to them. Flawlessly executed and highly addictive.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: EA3GAME (E/A option 3)

Download Never-Lander:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Astro Fighter

By Data East Co.

Astro Fighter opening screenAstro Fighter in-game shot

This game appears to be strongly inspired by the classic arcade game Galaxian, with fantastic graphics and frenetic play. Your mission is to destroy wave after wave of tenacious kamikaze alien fighters with the goal of reaching the mothership. Hold on to your joysticks: you are in for quite a ride!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: ASTROFGT (E/A option 3) Enter START when asked for program name

Download Astro Fighter:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By William Reiss

Ti-Pei opening screenTi-Pei in-game shot

A timeless yet extremely addictive game, beautifully executed. Match tile pairs that have free left or right borders by selecting them with the cursor and pressing the space bar, and they will be removed from the board. There are 4 layers of tiles shown in different colors, and you cannot remove tiles that have another tile on top of them. The goal is to clear the field completely. If you get stuck, press 'H' for a hint, but you did not hear it from me...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Ti-Pei:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Bob Gastoni

TI-Keno opening screenTI-KENO in-game shot

The rules of Keno are very simple: pick 4 numbers between 1 and 40 and hope that 2 or more will get selected in a random draw. Not much to it really, but apparently it's a big hit at the casinos. Nonetheless, it is very nicely executed and provides a little diversion for daily life.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download TI-Keno:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Space Station I

By Dominic J. Melfi

Space Station I opening screenSpace Station I in-game shot

"We are under attack by an invisible alien force... Support systems gone... If you read us... Space Station I... We are transmitting all available data...". The Saturn outpost has been obliterated, and the aliens are heading your way. Will you be able to repel them? The aliens will come in waves from all directions, and you have to position your targeting reticle on their position and fire your torpedoes. You can only sustain 5 direct hits to the station before your defenses are overwhelmed. And by the way, watch out for the cloaked command ship.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Space Station I:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Kippy's Nightmare

By Dominic J. Melfi

Kippy's Nightmare opening screenKippy's Nightmare in-game shot

In this nightmare, you are surrounded by monsters bent on your destruction, and you are only armed with 6 "poofers" that you can place on the field to whisk away the monsters back into their cages when they bump into them. Your track on the playing grid also acts as a temporary barrier, serving to only postpone the inevitable. But don't worry: it is only a dream afterall. Or is it... Very original game premise and wonderful execution. Highly recommended.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Kippy's Nightmare:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Bang Bang Sub

By Dominic J. Melfi

Bang Bang Sub opening screenBang Bang Sub in-game shot

Frenetic arcade play puts you at the helm of a submarine with the mission to destroy all surface and air ennemy forces within range, while avoiding mines and bombs. Good sound effects and thumb numbing eye blurring action. Quick reflexes a must.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Suboceanic:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Texas Instruments

Lasso opening screenLasso in-game shot

Ever wondered how cowboys herded stray animals? Well, here's your chance to test your lasso'ing skills. Your farm animals have suddenly acquired cabin fever and have started busting out of their corrals, running around like mad, and so you have to capture them one by one using a lasso while trying not to get trampled. Very enjoyable gameplay spiced up by a little speech.Yee Haw!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks. Speech Synthesizer optional
Executable to run: LASSO (E/A option 3)

Download Lasso:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Tunnels Of Doom

By Texas Instruments

Tunnels Of Doom opening screenTunnels Of Doom in-game shot

This is the grand-daddy of the graphic adventure games on the TI, and was quite advanced for its time as it is still supremely playable and enjoyable. In a nutshell, you control a party of up to 4 characters each with different abilities and set about exploring daunting multi-level dungeons while fighting monsters and collecting treasure. Includes several different scenarios, including a Star Trek variation, enough to keep you adventuring for a very long time. A timeless classic!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Tunnels Of Doom:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Mission 'X'

By Data East USA

Mission 'X' opening screenMission 'X' in-game shot

Reminiscent of War Zone, you are a fighter pilot with the mission of destroying invading fleets of warships as well as tanks, while avoiding a steady barrage of enemy fire. You can change your altitude by moving the joystick forward or back, and the fire button lauches your bombs. This is a very fast paced well designed game that requires good reflexes and a sharp eye. Very addictive.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: MISSION1

Download Mission 'X':
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Angler Dangler

By Deco

Angler Dangler opening screenAngler Dangler in-game shot

If fishing is your thing, then you should not miss this program. You are an angler trying to catch as many fish as you can before time runs out. You decide how far you want to cast your line, then you reel it in while guiding it away from rocky outposts and towards schools of fish. If you do manage to hook a fish, make sure you monitor your line tension lest it snaps. Excellent graphics and animation make for a very entertaining game, even if you don't fish.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Angler Dangler:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Scott Adams Adventures

By Scott Adams & Other Authors

Scott Adams Adventures opening screenScott Adams Adventures in-game shot

This is the entire collection of text adventures from Scott Adams as well as a few less well known ones from a variety of authors (yes, Adult Adventure is included), for a total of 22 adventures. The text file CONTENTS lists all the titles as well as the executables for each. There is enough here to keep you entertained for many many hours, as your imagination takes you from the sleazy setting to the darkest tomb. Good luck, and don't forget to save frequently!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Scott Adams Adventures:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Sargon I

By Dan and Kate Spracklen

TI 99/4A Conversion By Michael Swiridenko

Sargon I opening screenSargon I in-game shot

This chess program was one of the first successful programs for microcomputers. When pitted against Video Chess, it is clearly stronger tactically, however it still makes significant blunders and like Video Chess is very weak in end-games. The latter also has more features, but will generally lose or draw against Sargon I. Up to 6 half-moves depth of analysis is available, but anything beyond level 2 takes way too long, yet even at that level it is still a decent opponent. Instructions are included.
Requirements: XB or Editor/Assembler, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload or CHESS (E/A option 3)

Download Sargon I:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

The Mine

By SaurusSoft

The Mine opening screenThe Mine in-game shot

In this fantastic game, you are an explorer wandering through multiple caverns filled with monsters and all sorts of obstacles. There are no less than 24 different screens with colourful graphics and imaginative challenges, so it will take the player a very long time to sort through everything. It's the TI at it's best!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: MINE1 (E/A option 5)

Download The Mine:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


RAG Software

Clowns opening screenClowns in-game shot

Clowns is a TI adaptation of the venerable Circus game available on almost every classic computing platform. Your objective is to pop colourful balloons flying over you by having a pair of clowns jump on a seesaw. Gravity is modeled realistically, making things a little more hairy. Simple but highly addictive.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Clowns:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Demon Attack

By Texas Instruments

Demon Attack opening screenDemon Attack in-game shot

This is a rare version of the classic Demon Attack game which includes speech. You are a moon surface defender repealing wave after wave of alien monsters determined to put you in a state of permanent sleep. The graphics are top notch as are the sound effects while the action will keep you riveted for hours. Highly recommended.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Demon Attack:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Alex Staruszkiewicz

Espial opening screenEspial in-game shot

As a fighter inside an enemy mothership, your objective is to cause as much damage to that ship as possible all the while avoiding flying objects and bombs. There are 3 different screens and the level of difficulty increases as you cycle back to the first screen. Good graphics and sound effects coupled with frenetic action make for a very entertaining space shooter game.
Requirements: Editor/Assember cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: ESPI (E/A option 5)

Download Espial:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Classic Checkers

By Chris Bobbitt

Classic Checkers opening screenClassic Checkers in-game shot

This is an excellent adaptation of checkers for the TI. It is for 1 or 2 players, with the computer proving to be a very decent opponent. Nice fresh presentation of a timeless game.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks or mouse optional.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download Classic Checkers:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Oh Mummy

By M. Fischer

Oh Mummy opening screenOh Mummy in-game shot

If you are claustrophobic and have slow reflexes, then this game is not for you... As a member of an archeological team excavating a series of pyramids, you have to explore multiple chambers, collect treatsure as well as royal mummies. This is made a tad more difficult by the fact that you have nasty guard mummy guards intent on sucking the life out of you. Best of luck and I hope you've left a will... Great all around game!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: OHMUMMY (E/A option 5)

Download Oh Mummy:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

TI99 Clickety

By Mark Hull

TI99 Clickety opening screenTI99 Clickety in-game shot

Inspired from the popular game "Bejeweled", the objective of this colourful game is to eliminate adjacent blocks of the same color, which causes the columns of blocks over them to slide down. The ultimate goal is to clear the screen completely. That's it! Use the joystick to move the pointer and press the fire button to select the blocks. Smooth animation and clean presentation greatly enhance this totally addictive but challenging game. Very well done!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: GAME32k08 or GAME32k16 (E/A option 3)

Download TI99 Clickety:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Not-Polyoptics

SPAD XIII opening screenSPAD XIII in-game shot

This game is the closest thing there is to a true flight simulator on the TI. You are a WWI French fighter plane pilot in 1918 about 20km east of the German front and your mission is to patrol the sky and destroy enemy planes including the dreaded Red Baron, observation balloons and airfield hangars while still managing to return and land safely on your airfield. The flight physics are very realistic and the scenery is 3D wireframe, making for a great and very challenging experience. An absolute must for any flight enthusiast!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download SPAD XIII:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]



By Unknown Author

Astroblitz opening screenAstroblitz in-game shot

This fine space shooter has a strong resemblance to the classic Defender game. The objective is to destroy incoming alien ships as well as aliens on the ground all of whom are shooting at you. You have at your disposal a long-range radar screen showing the various targets, which helps plan your route. The action is pretty frenetic and good reflexes are a must. The graphics and animations are excellent, but sound effects seemed a little minimalistic. Definitely worth a try.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks.
Executable to run: ASTROBLITZ (E/A option 5)

Download Astroblitz:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Arnd Russmann

Freddy opening screenFreddy in-game shot

As Freddy, you are exploring a vast labyrinth of tunnels filled with scorpions, rats, ghosts, mummies and other nasties in search of treasure and... the exit! You can use your gun to shoot some of the energy leeching monsters, but is is best to try to escape by climbing up and down the ropes. This is a very high quality game that will keep you hooked for hours on end, with detailed smooth scrolling graphics and a very challenging layout. An absolute gem!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: FREDDY (E/A option 5)

Download Freddy:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Ms. Pac-Man

By AtariSoft

Ms. Pac-Man opening screenMs. Pac-Man in-game shot

This game obviously needs no introduction, and I am including it in this collection because it is not as common to find and it is so cute! Eat the dots and fruits and avoid the ghosts. A venerable classic that is still immensely entertaining.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: MS-P (E/A option 5)

Download Ms. Pac-Man:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Mike Stewart

MS-Adventures opening screenMS-Adventures in-game shot

This excellent but less known adventure system includes three separate but sequential quests that need to be played in order, namely The Search For Murgen's Keep, The Enchanted Keep and The New King, all with a fantasy theme. The game mechanics follow very closely Scott Adam's Adventure series, so play is very familiar. There are no graphics, so it is left to your imagination to fill-in the blanks. Difficulty level is pretty challenging, and you are guaranteed many hours of play. Documentation is included. Very enjoyable.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler or XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB AUTOLOAD

Download MS-Adventures:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Submarine Commander

By Thorn Emi

Submarine Commander opening screenSubmarine Commander in-game shot

This game places you in a WWII setting as a submarine commander hunting enemy convoys. Your submarine has a complete array of gauges and instruments including sonar and hydrophone allowing you to successfully track and sneak up on passing convoys while avoiding the deadly escort destroyers. This simulation is incredibly well designed and can easily compare to the venerable Silent Service sub simulation. While the numerous controls are easy enough to master, developing successful strategies is where your mettle is really tested. You have got to try it!!! (Docs included).
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: SUBCOMMAND

Download Submarine Commander:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
Submarine Commander Manual by Kevan

River Rescue

By Thorn Emi

River Rescue opening screenRiver Rescue in-game shot

The object of this game is to navigate a river infested with crocodiles and electric eels and strewn with obstacles, while trying to rescue refugees from one bank and transporting them to the other. Your task is further complicated by enemy helicopters and tanks that seem to have a distinct dislike for you. Great smooth scrolling graphics and sound effects, with excellent controls response. Very highly recommended! (Docs included).
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: RIVER

Download River Rescue:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

4A Flyer

By John Phillips

4A Flyer opening screen4A Flyer in-game shot

While not a flight simulator for the purist, this game is still entertaining enough with you being at the controls of a plane charged with carrying top secret cargo to four different aitports. You need to take off, navigate and land safely to complete the missions under different weather conditions. In addition, you can search and destroy enemy planes if you are so inclined. The flight physics are very simplified, so the learning curve is minimal. Good graphics and excellent controls responsiveness. (Docs included).
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: 4AFLYER

Download 4A Flyer:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Computer War

By Thorn Emi

Computer War opening screenComputer War in-game shot

Inspired by the cult classic movie War Games, Computer War places the fate of the USA in your hands as nuclear ballistic missiles are converging toward its cities. You have to intercept the incoming missiles and destroy them, then match a visual code for extra points. The game ends when all the cities and NORAD are destroyed. This game is extremely challenging as it requires very fast reflexes as well as quick pattern matching. A perennial favorite. (Docs included).
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: WARGAMES

Download Computer War:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Star Fort

By Daniel S. Muenchau

Star Fort opening screenStar Fort in-game shot

Star Fort is a fast paced and frantic space shooter where you are manning a laser cannon turret and have to shoot down incoming waves of hostile saucers. The saucers throw at you slow-moving seeker bombs which are fairly easy to destroy, and fast moving deadly missiles which cannot be shot down. The latter can only be defeated if you manage to destroy the saucer that fired it before the missile reaches you, at which point a shield will materialize and temporarily protect you. If that was not enough, the saucers also initiate the formation of rapidely expanding crystal-like structures that will kill you if they reach your position. Very tough game beautifully executed...
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: LOADSPAC

Download Star Fort:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Unknown Author

Bandit opening screenBandit in-game shot

In this game, a take on the famous arcade game "Frenzy", you are a sneaky bandit trying to collect as much treasure chests as you can find inside a vast labyrinth infested with deadly shooting robots and flying creatures, armed with an effective laser gun. The labyrinth is divided into rooms with multiple exits, each of which leads to other rooms with different layouts and dangers, thus maintaining a high level anticipation as well as dread throughout the game. The animations are silky smooth and your character is very responsive. Good sound effects. Highly enjoyable.
Requirements: Extended Basic cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: LOADBAND

Download Bandit:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

By Jacques Groslouis

c99 Games opening screenc99 Games in-game shot

This is an impressive looking sports simulation of track and swimming competition where up to four players can compete simultaneously against each other or against the computer if less than four human players are involved. There are four different track events and three swimming events which can be selected either individually or sequentially, with the computer keeping track of standings. The human player is run by repeatedly pressing a keyboard key or a joystick fire button, so the faster your rate of pressing, the faster your player goes. For short events, the computer is pretty easy to beat, but it gets tougher on longer ones. Of course, the most fun is obtained by playing against live people. Good sound effects and excellent animations round up this great game.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: GAMES_1 (E/A option 5)

Download c99 Games:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Berlin Wall

By Iain Johnson

Berlin Wall opening screenBerlin Wall in-game shot

While the theme of this game was more relevant in the 80's, it is still fun to play nonetheless. You start with five men attempting to cross from East to West Berlin, through 2 thick walls and a nasty minefield. Each successful escape scores you maximum points, but you also get partial points for blowing up (and yourself) a mine or a hole in the wall. This is sometimes unavoidable. You need to accumulate at least 5000 points before moving to the next level, and you get an extra man at that time. Each man that successfully passes through comes back around until you reach your 5000 point goal or all your men die. How far will you get?
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks. Speech synthesizer optional.
Executable to run: BERLINWALL (E/A option 5)

Download Berlin Wall:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Softmachine

Barrage opening screenBarrage in-game shot

This is a great recreation of Atari's Missile Command where you are the sole defender of earth against nuclear enemy bombardment. You have at your disposal two batteries of missiles with limited ammunition which you need to launch against each attacking wave. Game ends when all your cities are destroyed. Gameplay and sound effects are superb, making this game a showcase of the TI capabilities. An absolute must-have!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: BARE (E/A option 5)

Download Barrage:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Micro Pinball

By Software Specialties

Micro Pinball opening screenMicro Pinball in-game shot

Beautifully rendered pinball game with great sound effects and silky smooth animations. The ball physics seem to be very accurate and thus enhance gameplay tremendously. Control of the paddles is via two joysticks, one for each, by simply pressing the fire button. Press 9 to start the game and pull back on the right joystick to load the spring ball launcher. Great entertainment value.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: PINBALOAD

Download Micro Pinball:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Mission Destruct

By Glenn Schworak

Mission Destruct opening screenMission Destruct in-game shot

This is a great fast-paced space shooter where you are fighting your way through multiple alien waves with the objective of destroying their nuclear power plant. In the process, you will go through a lunar shaft rigged with mines, a subterranean passageway swarming with enemies, and finally a power shield that you need to drain while avoiding fireballs. Levels increase in difficulty after completion of each set of stages. High quality programming and very entertaining, Definitely recommended.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: DESTRUCT (E/A option 5)

Download Mission Destruct:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

3D Maze

By Glenn Schworak

3D Maze opening screen3D Maze in-game shot

For the masochists among you, this is the perfect torture game. You are thrown into a 3D maze and have to find your way out. But before you do, you need to obtain a key to unlock the door. If you are lucky, you can find a map of the maze that will guide you. As a small token of magnanimity, the author lets you glimpse at the maze layout before the game starts. Very crisp graphics maintain a good 3D representation of your surroundings and game controls simply consist of the arrow keys. I suggest you play it with the lights out to really make you claustrophobic...
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: 3D-MAZE (E/A option 5)

Download 3D Maze:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Pro Tennis

By NiceSoft

Pro Tennis opening screenPro Tennis in-game shot

As a fan of tennis, this game was a godsend for me. And the pleasant part is that it is very well done and challenging. You get to pick the level of play and whether your opponent is a human or a computer player. The rules of tennis are preserved including switching sides after each odd game, and the speech synthesizer does a nice job of announcing the score and any errors. Animations are clear with added touches such as ball boys running to get a ball near the net. You can control the way you hit the ball (forehand/backhand), the speed (smash/lob) and the direction via the joysticks. Two thumbs up!!! But I have to go now because Agassi is litterally humiliating me on the court...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks. Speech synthesizer optional.
Executable to run: XB autoload

Download Pro Tennis:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

High Gravity

By Tom Wible

High Gravity opening screenHigh Gravity in-game shot

This is a greatly original game that will keep you entertained for hours. You are the captain of a spaceship and are trying to supply a stranded space station by sending it cargo capsules through space. Sounds simple enough except that the surrounding planets exert a varying gravitational pull on your capsules, thus altering their trajectory. You have to find the best route through these planets that will lead to the space station, and if necessary you can adjust the initial velocity of the capsules and the density of the planets among other factors. You can also customize the playing field and change play parameters. Nice colorful visuals. Totally addictive!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB autoload

Download High Gravity:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Karate Challenge

By Glenn Schworak

Karate Challenge opening screenKarate Challenge in-game shot

As a karate contender, you are set on destroying the competition through a combination of punches and kicks in this nice martial arts simulation. It is one on one competition, and every hit incurred will decrease your "lifebar", but you can slowly recover if you manage to avoid your opponent for a while. Difficulty is progressive with each level. Graphics are sharp and animations are very quick and realistic. Sound effects are basic however. Overall quite entertaining.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB autoload

Download Karate Challenge:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Cannonball Blitz

By Jlando

Cannonball Blitz opening screenCannonball Blitz in-game shot

In this very original take on Donkey Kong, your objective is to jump over cannonballs being hurled at you from the top of the ramps while trying to highest ramp. There are trap doors all over with see-saws underneath, and when a cannonball falls through a trap it swings the see-saw. If you happen to be at the opposite end of that see-saw, then you are propelled to next ramp above. At least in theory because the game requires very precise positioning which can be sometimes frustrating. There is a countdown timer for each screen and your score is a combination of the how fast you are and the number of cannonballs jumped. Very well done game!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: BLITZA (E/A Option 5)

Download Cannonball Blitz [TIFILES format]

Cave Creature

By Funware

Cave Creature opening screenCave Creature in-game shot

This game is kind of reminiscent of Space Invaders in claustrophobic way. You are apparently trapped inside a rectangular enclosure and are surrounded by alien beings that spiral their way around you. Every so often, a kamikaze run by one them homes in on you, along with random appearances of saucers. As you shoot down each alien, it turns into a rock that also needs to be cleared lest you get walled-in. Starts rather lazily then becomes progressively more frantic, enhanced by good smooth graphics and decent sound effects. Definitely entertaining.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: CAVE (E/A Option 5)

Download Cave Creature:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

TI Puck (Compiled Version)

By Walid Maalouli

TI Puck opening screenTI Puck in-game shot

This is the exact same game as the one in the BASIC section, except that it has been compiled using Harry Wilhelm's Basic Compiler. I have included it here as a demonstration of the power of Harry's compiler to substantially speed up Basic and XB programs. TI Puck actually had to be slowed down in order to make it playable after it was compiled (gasp!) and that was the only required modification. If you are a Basic/XB programmer, then this compiler is going to free you from the agony of Basic's sluggishness and you will be able to produce near-assembly speed programs (with some restrictions such as no floating point math). If you don't believe me, then compare the original and the compiled TI Puck versions and make up your own mind... By the way, TI Puck is obviously inspired from Pac Man and this version is actually quite challenging and enjoyable.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: TIPUCK_C

Download TI Puck (Compiled version):
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Al Capone

By Eric Boisvert & Jean-Luc Brousseau

Conversion by Jacques Groslouis

Al Capone opening screenAl Capone in-game shot

If you happen to have an itchy trigger finger, this game is perfect for you. As the strong arm of the law, you are charged to hunt down and eliminate the famed Al Capone from the streets of Chicago. You have a limited amount of bullets, so you must make every shot count. Capone will be hiding inside buildings and you must quickly locate him and shoot him before he hoses you with a spray of bullets. Advanced scrolling techniques are used for the visuals, but control can be difficult to master secondary to lightning joystick response. Very enjoyable.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: CAPONE1 (E/A Option 5)

Download Al Capone:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]


By Harry Wilhelm

Freecell opening screenFreecell in-game shot

A beautifully executed TI version of the classic solitaire game Freecell. The graphics are crisp and clear, and the card manipulation cannot be any better without using a mouse. A tough game to beat though despite Harry's claim that every game can be theoretically won... This game was originally written in XB then compiled, speeding it up considerably and thus is a good showcase of the potential of XB compilers.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: FREECELL/P (E/A Option 5)

Download Freecell [TIFILES format]

TI-Sweeper V.2c

By Lucie Dorais

Conversion by Jacques Groslouis

TI-Sweeper opening screenTI-Sweeper in-game shot

This is another version of the classic Mine Sweeper game with great use of color and excellent layout. You have a choice of three different grid areas, and your objective is to locate and flag all the hidden mines. Requires deducive reasoning and on occasion blind luck. Play mechanics are easy and the presentation is well above par. The best version I have seen of this game.
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: SWEEPA (E/A Option 5)

Download TI-Sweeper [TIFILES format]

The Labyrinth Inferno

By Michel Montmigny

Conversion by Jacques Groslouis

Labyrinth Inferno opening screenLabyrinth Inferno in-game shot

Your memory and orientation sense will be heavily taxed in this program where you are briefly shown the layout of a complex full screen labyrinth, and you subsequently have to find your way in and out in as few moves as possible. Play this game everyday and I bet you'll improve your memory. On the other hand, you could just as easily toss the TI in frustration... Enjoy!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: LABC (E/A Option 5)

Download The Labyrinth Inferno:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

3D Tic-Tac-Toe

By Clint Pulley

3D Tic-Tac-Toe opening screen3D Tic-Tac-Toe in-game shot

Not your average tic-tac-toe game. This one is in three dimensions with four 4x4 superimposed playing boards. You play against the computer, trying to line up 4 tokens in a row in 3D. I have yet to win a game as it is devilishly difficult to grasp the token lineup and I keep missing key combinations. The AI is quite strong and will not miss an opportunity to humiliate you. Have fun!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: 3DTIC (E/A Option 5)

Download 3D Tic-Tac-Toe [TIFILES format]

Super Space Acer

By Mike Ward

Super Space Acer opening screenSuper Space Acer in-game shot

This is a frenetic space shooter reminiscent of Galaxians where your mission consists of destroying waves of alien spaceships. There is a "Boss" mothership to annihilate at the end of each stage, and you can pick up power-up modules along the way to obtain shields and increased fire power. Very well drawn graphics, smooth action and in-game music make this game very hard to put down, at least until your hands cramp up...
Find more of Mike's software here

Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: BOOTSSA (E/A Option 5)

Download Super Space Acer:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Super Sled Acer

By Mike Ward

Super Sled Acer opening screenSuper Sled Acer in-game shot

In this game, you are the driver of a speed sled trying to make it to the bottom of the hill in one piece, avoiding along the way trees, rocks, skiers, snowmobiles and even shooting tanks (!), among other things. This really makes for a very crowded and weird snow slope, taxing your reflexes to the maximum. Smooth graphics and a very responsive joystick make it a very fun game to play. Who knows what comes after the tanks???
Find more of Mike's software here

Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: SLEDACER (E/A Option 5)

Download Super Sled Acer:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Mass Murderer

By Mike Ward

Mass Murderer opening screenMass Murderer in-game shot

In a somewhat creepy themed game, the premise here is to kill as many innocent pixelated victims as you can before the police catches up with you. While at first glance it may seem like a Pac Man relation, the twist here is that the police does not know you are a murderer until they come across the remains of one of your victims. In other words, you can actually cross over police officers unnoticed, at least for a while. After that, you'd better have good reflexes and quick thinking.
Find more of Mike's software here

Requirements: Editor/Assember cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: MASSMURD (E/A Option 5)

Download Mass Murderer [TIFILES format]


By Bill Bies

Arcturus opening screenArcturus in-game shot

A beautifully rendered shoot-em-up program that pushes the TI to the limit. Based on the popular 80's game Zaxxon, your objective is to destroy the Arcturian Command Center which has been taken over by enemy forces. You start with three ships and have to maneuver your way through mine fields and convoluted surface structures all rendered in three-quarter isometric view, while battling enemy fighters, tanks and missiles. There are three levels of difficulty, and you get rewarded with extra ships as you progress. Play can be devilishly difficult initially while adjusting to the isometric display, but it is still great entertainment. Joystick response can occasionally be sluggish, and the scenery gets repetitive, but who has time to notice in the heat of battle. Great introductory music. Highly recommended!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Arcturus:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

TI Lander

By Walid Maalouli

TI Lander opening screenTI Lander in-game shot

Written in c99, the object of the game is to successfully land a spacecraft on a landing pad through a series of increasingly difficult terrain and gravities, keeping an eye on fuel and vertical as well as horizontal velocities. Starts off easy but becomes extremely challenging at higher levels. Decent sound and visual effects spiced up by speech optionally. I have been known to spend a couple of hours at a time trying to get to the highest level, but so far no success, although I got close...
Requirements: Editor/Assembler or FinalGrom cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks and speech synthesizer optional.
Executable to run: TILANDER (E/A option 5)

Download TI Lander:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]
Cartridge binary
TI Lander Manual by Kevan

Attack of the Creepers

By Ian J. Howle & Alexander F. Perry

Attack of the Creepers opening screenAttack of the Creepers in-game shot

This is a very addictive platform game with very well designed levels and superb animation. Alien hordes have invaded your mine and you need to fight your way up to the planet surface where a spacecraft awaits you. You are armed with a ray gun and have to face green slymy creatures, falling rocks and gaping voids. You can walk, run, jump, do jumping barrel rolls, and...smoke. You even have to use a jetpack at some point. Requires precise coordination and fast reflexes. Very hard to put down. One of the better action games on the TI.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Attack of the Creepers:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Virus Attack

By Vern L. Jensen

Virus Attack opening screenVirus Attack in-game shot

Inspired from the classic Tetris game, your objective is to disinfect your TI from viruses that have invaded it, using high voltage multicolored pills. Each level has a certain number of viruses scattered on several rows, and you need to line up four colors on a single row to destroy that row by manipulating the falling pills. There is suspensful but switchable in-game music, and game play is just as addictive (and frustrating) as Tetris. Very nicely done!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive. Joysticks optional.
Executable to run: VIRUS1 (E/A option 5)

Download Virus Attack [TIFILES format]

BHXP1 Experimental Aircraft

By Bruce Hellstrom
Original concept by John Dow

BHXP1 opening screenBHXP1 in-game shot

This is a pretty accurate instruments only flight simulator with a full complement of avionics. There is no visible scenery and you have to rely solely on your instruments for navigation and landing, using the joystick and keyboard to control the airplane. Input response is brisk, and the gauges graphics clear. A basic level of aeronautical knowledge is assumed, making it a very challenging but ultimately gratifying simulation for the flight enthusiast. That first landing is a hoot!
Requirements: Editor/Assembler cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: BHXP1 (E/A option 5)

Download BHXP1 Experimental Aircraft [TIFILES format]

Backsteine 1.2

By Quinton Tormanen & Steve Mehr

Backsteine opening screenBacksteine in-game shot

In the spirit of Breakout, Backsteine delights the player with colourful and well designed screens, smooth animation, and very challenging levels. The object of the game is to clear the screen of bricks using a bouncing ball and a paddle. Some bricks will have special effects on your paddle or on the ball speed. There are 50 screens to go through requiring lightning fast reflexes and zen-like concentration. You may also load the version 1.0 screens which are much easier by pressing CTRL-E at the player selection screen, then pressing CTRL-L and typing OLDLEVELS then pressing CTRL-P to play. It will be a while before you get bored with this one...
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, Joysticks.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Backsteine 1.2:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

War Zone

By Quinton Tormanen

War Zone opening screenWar Zone in-game shot

This is a vertically scrolling shoot-em-up game where you control an F-15 fighter and attempt to destroy five different kinds of ennemies from jets to tanks using missiles and bombs. Levels increase in difficulty as you progress. The action is fast and furious with great graphics and sound effects, and you will find that your trigger finger will get quite sore after a while. Not for the faint of heart.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, Joysticks.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Warzone:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

War Zone II

By Quinton Tormanen

War Zone II opening screenWar Zone II in-game shot

This sequel to War Zone features essentially the same game premise, but with a more futuristic setting where you need to conquer five different alien planets. However, the graphics are some of the best I have seen on the TI, with silky smooth scrolling and eye blurring shoot-em-up action. This is a must have game for any TI'er. Tormanen has done it again!
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, Joysticks.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Warzone II:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Mine Field

By Quinton Tormanen

Mine Field opening screenMine Field in-game shot

This is a classic conversion of the Minefield game where you have to deduce the location of mines on a grid using numerical clues. Use the cursor keys to move a cursor around, and press the space bar to uncover a square. Any number that appears indicates the number of mines adjacent to that square. Use the ENTER key to mark suspected mine locations. Several grid sizes are available. A very enjoyable game of deduction and logic.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Mine Field:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

Living Tomb

By Quinton Tormanen

Living Tomb opening screenLiving Tomb in-game shot

High adventure inside a monster infested dungeon. Pick up treasure, weapons and items while fighting your way through the maze and facing nasty looking creatures. Excellent 3D representation of the surroundings and a variety of challenges will keep you on your toes. Press the fire button and push back on the stick to access the extensive and self-explanatory in-game menu. Fight with the fire button and pushing the stick toward the arm you want to use. Find the compass early so you can map your surroundings as there is no automap utility. The only complaint I have is the lack of a save game feature. The author has however kindly provided a suicide option should you become desperately lost... Definitely recommended game for the adventurers among you.
Requirements: XB cartridge, 32K RAM, disk drive, joysticks.
Executable to run: XB Autoload

Download Living Tomb:
[TIFILES format]
[V9T9 .DSK Format]

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