News — YurtCampingNearSeattle
From Camp to Glamp: Washington’s Top Yurt Camping Spots
BestPlacesToCampWithKidsInWashington Kid YurtCampingNearSeattle YurtCampingWashington

If you’ve been thinking about trading in your hotel experience for one with rustic flair, then we’ve got just what you’re looking for. Yurt camping combines the best nature has to offer with a few down-home comforts that make it an easy vacay op with kids. Keep reading to find out about 13 yurt camping spots and one yurt at a lakeside resort that let families rough-it…sort of. photo: Shawn via Flickr What’s Super Cool About Yurt Camping: 1. You don’t have to set up a tent. Need we say more? 2. Most yurts come with furniture – bunk beds with mattresses and sometimes...