News — Buyers
The Right Way To Move: 28 Tips to Save Money and Reduce Stress
Buyers GettingAcclimated Homeownership

Being a new homebuyer is full of excitement. You’ve found your ideal home and negotiated the price. Now it’s time to think about moving in. Since the average moving cost can range anywhere between $2,300 to $4,300, the process deserves some serious cost analysis. After all, you’d rather spend that money on new furnishings and home improvements, right? Are there ways to cut costs when moving and settling into your new home? To find out, we consulted official governmental data and talked with real estate agent Ann Hoke, a No. 1-ranked producer in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and real estate agent Virginia...
Aging in Place: Granny Pods Provide Privacy and Independence

If you’re thinking about how to take care of aging relatives and concerned that you might not be able to provide the level of care you’d like to, you’re not alone: the population of Americans ages 65 and over has seen a 33% increase between 2006 and 2016, according to the latest research. What’s more, the Population Reference Bureau states that the aging of this group deemed “baby boomers” could fuel more than a 50% increase in the number of Americans ages 65 and older requiring nursing home care. As after-retirement care prices soar, some families are looking for a...