News — SmartMeters

5G AI, May Day or Mayday? Liar Liar Cell Tower on Fire?

CellTower EMF PatriciaBurke Science SmartMeters

5G AI, May Day or Mayday?  Liar Liar Cell Tower on Fire?

By Patricia Burke Sometimes, we learn to associate a phrase with a trauma…for example, sites of mass shootings or natural disasters, like Sandy Hook Elementary School, Hurricane Sandy, or Pompeii. Those living in Boston in 1989 not only remember a horrific crime, but the discomforting realization that through prejudice, a community at large can be an unwitting perpetrator. In 1989, in Boston, Charles Stuart made a frantic call to 911, stating that his wife had been shot. “The killing of Carol Stuart, who was pregnant at the time, on October 23, 1989, had touched off a national outrage when Charles...

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