News — NavaratriSpecialDishes
Samalu Katte Pongali is the special Neivedyam for Navratri Day 1 pooja
IndianBreakfastRecipes MilletRecipes NavaratriSpecialDishes StepByStepRecipes TraditionalSouthIndianBreakfast

It is made with Sama Millet and Moong dal made in similar way as regular Ven Pongal. Navratri Pooja begins today and we have planned our menu for the next nine days of Navratri. Hubby Dear listed out what needs to be cooked for the nine days and based on what’s already cooked and shared, I planned my menu. Spicy/ Savory version of Pongal is called as Katte Pongali Andhra, Ven Pongal in Tamil Nadu. For Day 1, it has to be Katte Pongali, Samalu, white lentil that needs to be cooked. So I decided to make Samulu Katte Pongali...