There’s something calming and comforting about sweeping a room clean. And a broom looks rather autumnal, too, when hung from a hook. That’s why we have been admiring, this week, brooms and brushes by Prairie Breeze Folk Arts Studio, helmed by Winnipeg, Canada-based broomsquire Amina Haswell. “I see broom-making as an art when done correctly,” Amina tells June Home Supply. And indeed: These are some of the most artful handmade brushes and brooms we’ve seen.
Take a look at just a few of the brooms we’re coveting, all available via June Home Supply.
Photography via June Home Supply.

Above: “Amina spends her days binding naturally unprocessed broom corn…grown locally on her acreage and imported from North American sources and binds them with natural and synthetic fibers to make over 36 varieties of brooms in over 42 different colors,” according to the
Prairie Breeze Folk Arts website. She “harvests many of the handles she uses in her broom-making by foraging the forest for the perfect sticks in areas across Manitoba and across Canada when possible.”
Shown here are the Handmade Sailor Corn Broom (hanging from the peg rail at left; $54.00) and the Traditional Handmade Corn Broom (leaning at right; $92.15).

Above: The
Traditional Handmade Corn Broom (left) is handmade from corn husks, and the head of the broom is stitched flat, Shaker style. The brooms are made to last and meant to be handed down.

Above: The
Handmade Whisk Corn Broom ($36.55) has a woven handle and an angled sweep for getting into corners.

Above: One of the more rustic of the offerings: The
Handmade Sailor Corn Broom—also called a cobweb broom—is named for “the sailing tradition of making brooms on rope,” according to June Home Supply.

Above: Beautiful enough to be displayed. (Though broom-owners, take note: The broom-makers advise that you should always “hang or lay broom flat when not in use. Never stand broom on bristles/sweeps, as they will bend and be less effective.”)
Prairie Breeze Folk Arts Studio has many more varieties of brooms and brushes (including a radiator broom, yard broom, and a charming-sounding wedding broom) on their website; you can also read more about Amina and her work here.
For more in the way of brooms, brushes, and utilitarian finds, see: