submitted by Jonas Mueller Ystudio Ballpoint Pen Classic Starterstore’s Aviator Wallet HandGrey KNOX Door Hook Desinfectant True Utility Bullet Stash The James Brand The Folsom Jojo Belt Clip
Hey, it’s Jonas, back again with another Everyday Carry setup. It is dedicated to the current situation and useful to stay safe while going outside currently. I do carry the brandnew Aviator Wallet Slide, a brassing pen from Ystudio, the Handgrey Knox for keys, the James Brand Folsom knife and a stash formed like a bullet for some cash. To prevent infections I carry a portable desinfectant as well as the Aviator door hook. Use this instead of my hands to open doors, do payments with my credit card and many other things. Enjoy this top view, have a good one and stay safe at home!
#EverydayCarry #EDC